The UN Commission on Human Security defines human security as the need to “create political, social, environmental, economic, military and cultural systems that together give people the building blocks of survival, livelihood and dignity.” DEVASEC fosters the global efforts on human security at policy and grassroots levels, by empowering vulnerable people to know and act on their rights, influencing governments, leaders and private sector to be responsible and accountable, and convening spaces which enable public-private partnerships.
Human insecurity is caused by unequal power relations that result in unequal distribution of opportunities and resources between women and men, between power-holders and marginalized groups, and between states. DEVASEC believes that human security cannot be achieved without reducing those underlying power imbalances.
DEVASEC conducts interventions that are:
- People-centric
- Multi-sectoral
- Comprehensive
- Context-specific
- Prevention-oriented
Protection and empowerment of people are the two building blocks for achieving the goal of human security. The UN Commission on Human Security proposes them as the bi-parts of any human security policy framework, and therefore, they are at the core of DEVASEC’s interventions.
To ensure lasting impact of our programs, we:
- Analyze/assess the context
- Take a comprehensive approach
- Identify multi-sectoral strategies that incorporate empowerment and protection measures
- Implement in collaboration with local partners
- Prioritize women’s human rights and gender equality
- Innovate and share learning to achieve the most powerful impact
- Work with regional and international partners who share our vision and determination
DEVASEC fosters the global efforts on human security at policy and grassroots levels, by promote the regional and international initiatives on human security, in particular the UN Agenda on Sustainable Development Goals; European Union’s values; African Union and World Bank’s initiatives.