Gender equality

The global efforts to advance the levels of human security need to place a special focus on empowering women and girls and achieving gender equality. Addressing gender inequality, as an underlining factor of human insecurity, is indispensable for making a significant and lasting impact.

DEVASEC addresses gender inequality by empowering women and girls, engaging men and boys and addressing gender-based violence.

Key actions

  1. Assist organizations in establishing, implementing, monitoring and evaluating strategies on gender mainstreaming
  2. Provide services such as gender audit for private and public organizations
  3. Support laws and policies on gender equality and gender-based violence
  4. Support victims of discrimination and/or gender-based violence to speak up and find justice, by providing support services, including legal support and psychological care
  5. Contribute to the training of first responders (police, medical doctors, social workers etc.) by promoting a survivor-centered approach
  6. Raise the awareness of women and girls, in particular those from marginalized communities, on the different forms of discrimination and gender-based violence and their rights
  7. Engage men and boys, in particular those from marginalized communities, and work with them towards breaking stereotypes, preventing violence and re-integrating perpetrators